Dark Emu Exposed Cinema

Dark Emu Exposed Cinema

The Dark Emu Exposed Cinema returns!

Here we showcase short, 7 minute documentary films based on our Dark Emu Exposed blog-posts. We also will screen short movies from other contributors.

These films are designed to counter the misleading political narratives, and often complete falsehoods, that are frequently promoted by writers such as Bruce Pascoe in his hoax-book, Dark Emu, and Henry Reynolds in his many books on the mythical ‘Frontier War’, which he claims raged across the country during Australia’s colonial times.

At Dark Emu Exposed, believe that today our school-children are being indoctrinated by activists to hate and regret their Colonial history, the ultimate aim being to delegitimise our unique, Australian culture and our country’s foundations.

So, click the button below to go to our new Dark Emu Exposed Cinema,

And don’t forget to subscribe to Dark Emu Exposed Cinema so you receive notification of new films as they are added!

“I’ve never been a member of the Communist party."

“I’ve never been a member of the Communist party."

Tom and Me

Tom and Me