All in Academic Rebuttals

No Dark Emus to be Seen in 1788?

Dr Ian Keen’s 2004 book, Aboriginal Society & Economy, Australia at the Threshold of Colonisation, which precedes Mr Pascoe’s Dark Emu by 10 years, was a ‘systematic…study of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies…at the Threshold of Colonisation’. And guess what? There are no entries in the index under ‘farmer’, ‘farming’ or ‘agriculture’, but several entries unter ‘hunter-gatherers’. We rest our case.

Is this Intellectual Checkmate for Bruce Pascoe?

For an uninitiated Aboriginal man, to have read a copy of the book Yiwara, would be sacrilege, punishable by spearing or death - for a non-Aboriginal historian, to ignore the evidence in Yiwara that the Aborigines were solely hunter-gatherers, and not ‘settled farmers’, would amount to a deliberate hiding of evidence. Mr Pascoe says he has read this book.