Will Caitlyn Jenner go back to life as Bruce? Is Trans-Racialism the Next Big Thing?

Will Caitlyn Jenner go back to life as Bruce? Is Trans-Racialism the Next Big Thing?

Update 14 April 2023: We first published the post below on Trans-racialism on 22 July 2021.

In The Australian of 14 April 2023, Claire Lehmann, the editor of Quillette online, published an article on the topic and its increasing prevalence in Australia in the form of ‘self-identifying, ‘race-shifters’ or ‘box-tickers.’ These are Australians who claim they are now Aboriginal, often without offering any proof of Aboriginal descent.

See Lehmann’s article here.

Our original 22 July 2021 Post :

As if before our very eyes, we have seen the rise and wide-scale public, but not necessarily private, acceptance of Identity Politics.

Many of us older Australians are struggling to keep up with the plethora of new Identity options (fads?) that appear on a regular basis. Hence, we are attracted to the acronym, LGBTQwerty, which captures the rest of the alphabet in anticipation of the other minorities that may come forward to stake their Identity claims, as they most certainly will.

However, as we have previously noted, the whole Identity Rights process might just get a lot more interesting as Newton-Murray’s Law of Intersectionality kicks in, as it ultimately must :

“For every Identity Group’s action, there will be another Identity Group’s, equal and opposite reaction.”

For example, just look at the developing furore and back-lash by real Aboriginal people as they call out alleged Race-shifters, such as our very own, Professor Bruce Pascoe.

Broadcaster Kel Richards says Dark Emu author Bruce Pascoe could be an example of “race-shifting” to an Aboriginal identity. Mr Richards defined race-shifting as “shifting from one race to another … claiming to be a race they’re not. “It’s people who have no trace of Aboriginality in their DNA, who are suddenly turning around, and they discover through some sort of internal revelation that they’re really Aboriginal,” Mr Richards told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

Australian indigenous academics are reportedly pushing back :

‘In the US they are known as “race-shifters”; in Canada they are “Pretendians”; and in Australia, they are more commonly known as “box-tickers” – people who discover, or else simply claim an Indigenous or First ­Nations heritage for themselves.

Some do so because they want to adopt a more exotic profile; others because being “just white” doesn’t have quite the cachet it once did, especially in academia’.

- Harmful: warning issued to ‘race shifters’ , Caroline Overington in The Australian, July 2nd 2021.

But wait, in an age where we are being asked to accept that a person born as a man can transition to being a woman, why shouldn’t we accept that a person born as a ‘whitefella’ can transition to become a ‘blackfella’? Indeed, there are very many examples in Australia where people born as ‘blackfellas’ spent their lives quite happily thinking, behaving, being accepted as, and living as ‘whitefellas. Why not the reverse?

If one Bruce (Jenner ) can do it, why shouldn’t we allow another Bruce (Pascoe) do it?

Left : Bruce Jenner and his tranny alter-ego Caitlyn Jenner.  Right : Anglo-Australian cricketer Mr Bruce Pascoe aka Yuin Aboriginal man of high degree, Uncle Bruce.

Left : Bruce Jenner and his tranny alter-ego Caitlyn Jenner. Right : Anglo-Australian cricketer Mr Bruce Pascoe aka Yuin Aboriginal man of high degree, Uncle Bruce.

For an excellent long read of a very professional and thought-provoking academic assessment of Trans-racialism see, Rebecca Tuvel, In Defense of Transracialism, Hypatia - A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 29 March 2017.

Further Reading

Piers Morgan exposes the absurdity of gender and racial self-identity in this film clip of 2023.

What the Media are saying about Dark Emu & Dark Emu Exposed

What the Media are saying about Dark Emu & Dark Emu Exposed

The Deep Fake Project - Exposing Academics & Public Figures Who are Appropriating "Aborigines" & Their Culture - Part 3 Update

The Deep Fake Project - Exposing Academics & Public Figures Who are Appropriating "Aborigines" & Their Culture - Part 3 Update