Was Dan Andrews Onto Something?

Was Dan Andrews Onto Something?

Our researchers at Dark Emu Exposed read very widely. One of our contributors was struck by a piece written by Dan Andrews in 2014, when he was Leader of the Opposition, after his return from a visit to the Israeli town of Sderot, on the border with Gaza.

Our contributor was struck by the relevance of a comparison of Andrews’s comments on the plight of the failed-state of Gaza and its Hamas leadership, to the plight of those failed remote Aboriginal communities that are completely disfunctional - wracked as they are with violence, alcohol and drugs, and rampant child sex abuse - and the Aboriginal Elite leadership who, like Hamas, appear to want to maintain the atrocious camp conditions as a weapon to leverage their own political power in Canberra.

These Aboriginal Elites don’t really want to close ‘the Gap’ - they need ‘the Gap’ to give themselves political relevance. No more Gap, no more need for Aboriginal Elites [Hamas] and their Voice and Treaty [war with Israel].

As evidence of this assertion by us, consider how frequently ‘Closing The Gap’ is referred to as one of the main reasons why the Aboriginal elites want a Voice enshrined in the Constitution, the founding document that accords power within our nation.

See the emphasis that Hon Linda Burney, Minister for Indigenous Australians places on the Voice in ‘Closing The Gap’ here, but as rightly pointed out by commentators, it is Linda Burney herself, in an Aboriginal ‘elite’ position, who has all the power needed already to ‘Close the Gap'.’ But she won’t.

Our claim is that she won’t because the Aboriginal elites need the historical failures of ‘Closing the Gap’ to continue, as political leverage against mainstream Australia, until they have acquired the outcome that they really want - power-sharing by enshrining themselves, as The Voice, into our Constitution.

Below is the statement provided by Dan Andrews, as Victorian Labor Party leader and state opposition leader in 2104, in support of Israel’s right to self-defence and security, at the Melbourne Rally for Peace held on 10 August 2014 on the steps of the State Parliament.

We have substituted in bold text words we think are relevant to fit the Australian scenario, with regard to the divide between Aboriginal Australians in some [note: not all - many are run quite well] remote communities. We have kept Andrews’s original, Israeli-specific text in [square brackets] for readers to compare.

It seems to us, that Dan Andrews’s overall message is the same for both scenarios - hateful, political players, such as the Palestinian Hamas or in our case, Australia’s Aboriginal elites, are quite willing to sacrifice their own children because they hate Israel, or our Australia’s colonial and British heritage, even more.


I have stood at the crest of Uluru [Sderot], I have looked across Country [the border] – out to Jilkminggan and Belyuen in the NT across to Yarrabar and Palm Island in Queensland [Beit Hanoun and the cities in Gaza beyond it] – and I have witnessed failure.

It’s sad. There are 100,000 [1.8 million] men, women and children in remote Aboriginal communities [Gaza]. They have a right to prosperity and peace. Their leaders, in the Aboriginal elites [Hamas], have a responsibility to deliver it.

They haven’t done that. They haven’t even tried. Because the Aboriginal elite [Hamas] does not care about the progress of its people.

They have consigned them all to life in a disfunctional remote community [factory of terror], because they hate Australia and its colonial British heritage [their neighbours’ children] more than they love their own children.

Twenty-six [Half a] million Australians [Israelis] live, learn and work in the shadow of this guilt [nightmare. Many more – for now – reside just beyond its lethal reach].

I abhor the loss of life’s opportunities on either side of the border, because all innocent lives, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, are equal, especially in terms of the great opportunities Australia has to offer [death].

But I know this. The nightmares of remote Socialist Welfare Aboriginal communities [war] will end tomorrow, if the Aboriginal elites [Hamas] stops attacking; and the economic success and freedoms of a colourblind Australia [Jewish State] will end tomorrow, if mainstream Australians [Israel] stops defending.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Australia’s Aboriginal remote communities [Israel] They just want to live an ordinary life, where their kids are safe and their future is certain.

My thoughts and pride [prayers] are with Aboriginal [Jewish] families in Australia, some of whom have faced discrimination of the type that is unthinkable and utterly intolerable, but who have overcome and flourished as full Australians.

And my thoughts and prayers are with the mothers and children of Jilkminggan, Belyuen, Yarrabar and Palm Island [Gaza].

They have been betrayed by a generation of Aboriginal elites [men] who, in trying to destroy the legacies of colonial Australia [another country], have destroyed their own.

I condemn the actions of the Aboriginal elites [Hamas]. I pity the loss of life and opportunities. I pray for Aboriginal families to be able to live as my own family [peace].

DANIEL ANDREWS, Leader of the Opposition, August 10, 2014 - Reported here

Further Reading

Australian Crime Commission Report on Indigenous Task force - Redacted and obtained under FOI- makes for harrowing reading

CIS Report on the “Territory Gap”

Further details of the breakdown of Aboriginal communities and their society here

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